Three Quick Beauty Detox Tricks For Summer

Summer is fast approaching and now is a key time to get a little more prepared for shorts and bikini-wearing weather. Whilst we have many amazing products on our retail site to choose from that can ensure skin is moisturised, exfoliated and prepped for the coming (hopefully) sunny months, we thought we’d also share a few tips and tricks that are easy to fit into your everyday routine, and can make a world of difference in a short space of time.

1. Body Brushing

The merits of body brushing are probably too many to count. This cheap and cheerful addition to your morning routine works to promote healthy skin by stimulating the circulation and lymphatic system. To use, take a good quality body brush with natural bristles and brush dry skin in circular, sweeping motions all over the body towards the heart, before showering. After just a few weeks this can help skin become smoother, firmer, reduce the appearance of cellulite and encourage new cell regeneration.   

2. Drinking Water

This is a fairly common tip, but one that never gets old. Drinking water and staying hydrated is key for healthy, glowing skin. Equally, eating water dense fresh fruits and veggies can help keep skin supple and smooth. Treating your body with care on the inside is just as important as the upkeep we routinely do on the outside, and can make such a clear, vital improvement in skin health.

3. De-cluttering Your Skincare

Skin problems can occur when the skin is overloaded with just too many products. As the weather gets warmer and skin needs less hydration, it might be a good idea to use lighter products and more of a simple skincare routine to give your skin room to breath and avoid clogging pores. Getting rid of chemical-laden products is also advisable, especially for sensitive types. Using natural products and ingredients can make a real difference, in skin tone, texture, and calming any irritation or skin conditions.

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