Once you have purchased a CPSR, please download and complete the corresponding CPSR form, and email it to us at
assessments@naturallybalmy.co.uk, in Word or PDF format. We do not accept hand-written forms or scanned copied forms.
IMPORTANT: Please read our specially crafted Terms & Conditions for safety assessment purchases (don’t worry it’s not too long!) But should help customers understand the process a bit better, and what your rights are with regard to refunds, recipe advice and after care. By making an assessment purchase you agree with these terms & conditions.
Dos and Don’ts when submitting recipes for assessments
When submitting your recipes for assessment you need to first purchase our assessments, then download and fill out the CPSR Form. Once you have filled in the form, it needs to be sent to assessments@naturallybalmy.co.uk
Here are some handy tips with regards to submitting your recipes for assessment -
Did you know? Not submitting your recipes correctly means the assessment process will take longer – so getting it right first time is important if you want your assessment done ASAP.
DO test the final version of your recipe to make sure that you are happy with the product, as making changes to a completed CPSR will incur an admin fee of up to £75 +VAT.
DO read our Assessment Page and Assessment FAQ to make sure you are as clued up as possible – if you don't, your assessment will most likely be delayed due to errors, and you will be liable to pay a £30 + VAT admin charge for re-submission.
DO download and read our Example Form to help guide you, especially if it's your first time or if you have an extensive recipe.
DO submit your weights for the full batch that you make each time rather than each individual product (soap / balm etc).
DO send only ONE submission form per email. This enables the Assessment Team to keep your submissions separate (if purchasing more than one assessment).
DON’T send links to websites for documents.
DON’T send zip files, scans or screenshots
DON’T use percentages. Please use grams or ml/drops (20 drops or more must be measured in ml or better still, grams).
DON’T use spoons, cups or pinches as measurements, everything needs to be exact and those measurements are not precise enough.
DON’T send documents in via the post. Everything report-wise is done via email so please edit the form digitally and send your form and documents over via email to assessments@naturallybalmy.co.uk .