Get Big Savings on Pre-assessed Products!

If you're looking to buy Pre-Assessed products in bulk, or perhaps buy a variety of smaller quantities at the same time, you can now make BIG SAVINGS on your Pre-assessed products using the following discount codes at the checkout!


Spend £150 (before VAT) or more on Pre-assessed and get 3% off using this code:

Spend £250 (before VAT) or more on Pre-assessed and get 5% off using this code:

Spend £500 (before VAT) or more on Pre-assessed and get 8% off using this code:

Spend £750 (before VAT) or more on Pre-assessed and get 10% off using this code:

Spend £1000 (before VAT) or more on Pre-assessed and get 12% off using this code:



These discounts apply only to products that are part of our Pre-assessed Wholesale Cosmetic Products range and will not apply to other products purchased at the same time. The discount code must be applied by the customer at the checkout at the point of purchase.