Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils as it has wonderful qualities and has an intoxicating aroma. It is a calming, relaxing oil, which combats stress, while the antiseptic properties help with cold, flu and other ailments.
It is excellent for asthma and migraine and relieves pain when used for rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago and muscular aches and pains, especially those associated with sport.
On the skin, Lavender oil tones and revitalises and is useful for all types of skin problems such as abscesses, acne, oily skin, boils, burns, sunburn, wounds, psoriasis, lice, insect bites, stings and also acts as an insect repellent.
Lavender oil is one of the few essentials oils that can be used neat on the skin, and this is especially useful when treating a minor burn wound.
Product Information
Clean fresh, floral top notes with herbaceous undertones... The most popular essential oil.
Oils to Blend with
Lavender can be blended with any essential oil successfully to enhance the scent of a blend or to enhance the therapeutic properties. Citrus, florals and herbs work especially well... imagination is limitless with Lavender.
Latin Name
Lavandula Angustifolia
Country of Origin
Technical Documents
Lavender True Essential Oil All Doc
Lavender True Essential Oil is 100% natural and steam distilled. This is our highest quality lavender essential oil and has a superior aroma to other Lavender essential oils.